Saturday, November 2, 2019

The war on drugs - argumentative research paper

The war on drugs - argumentative - Research Paper Example Drug wars seek to alleviate the problem, and offer a lasting solution towards drug users through elimination of the sources of drugs throughout the globe. Drug use was prominent in years prior to institution of measures that were assumed to regulate utilization of drugs among the American populace. In earlier years, drugs found numerous applications in production of foods and drinks around America. For instance, Coca-Cola utilized cocaine in drink manufacture until some period in 1903, while opium was utilized for infants with colic and was considered an OTC drug (Toll 427). The other drug that was utilized during this epoch was heroin and found greater appliance as cough depressant. Although people developed dependence on these drugs, alcohol remained the biggest setback yet it has not been contemplated as harmful with respect to other drugs. Various legislative acts were utilized in phasing off drug exploitation within the society, thus indicating commencement of war on drugs. The period when drugs were never regulated showed little discrepancies with regard to utilization of drugs, despite the actuality that drugs are currently regulated. Restrictions on drug use never commenced until the closing stages of 19th century, which led to prologue of various enactment at all levels of government. However, drug trade got these restrictions on racial grounds, since certain races were involved in drug trades around America. The preliminary enactment transpired in 1906, which aimed at directing the cataloging of medications and at the same time, prevent production or delivery of adulterated commodities in trade among states (Toll 427). The enactments progressed throughout the years, since the initial enactment leading to the current struggles towards the alleviation of drug utilization within the societal context. Prologue of Harrison Act served to prohibit drug sales to

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