Monday, November 25, 2019

Owls essays

Owls essays The Law of Conservation of Mass states that during a normal chemical change the mas of the reagents in a reaction should not differ greatly from the mass of the products. The purpose of this lab is to investigate the law by measuring the reagents and products of a reaction. For this experiment I needed an eye dropper, a 100ml flask, filter paper, ring stand with clasp, and an stirring rod. The chemicals that I used were 30ml of distilled water, 100 drops of tap water, lead nitrate, phelnophthaleln solution, and sodium carbonate solution. My first procedure consisted of me measuring out 100 drops of water with my eye dropper, into a preciously weighed evaporating dish. Then I measured the temperature of the water and looked up its density, by the temperature. After that, I divided the density into the mas of the water. This is the volume by 100 drops of water. When I was finished with this procedure I recorded the information on my chart. The reaction for my experiment was between lead II nitrate and sodium carbonate. The equation was Pb(No3)2 + Na2CO3 > PbCO3 + 2NaNo3. My reaction dried out and then I weighed out the products. I then compared this weight with the starting weight. First, I placed 30ml of distilled water into a 100ml flask. Then I weighed out one gram of lead nitrate and dissolved it in the 30ml water. Next, I added two drops of phelnophthaleln solution. I added one drop at a time of sodium carbonate solution. Next, I weighed my filter paper and recorded its weight. After that, I took the filter mixture and ran it through the paper. Finally, I ran one last portion of distilled water through the filter paper, and then dried the paper once more to weigh it. When I was finished with everything, I checked over my results and the recorded all of my final findings on my data table. In each of my procedures I recorded my findings. From my findings I then used the i ...

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