Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Did Christopher Columbus Discover America

If youre studying the history of American civil liberties, odds are good that your textbook will start at 1776 and move forward from there. This is unfortunate because much of what happened during the 284-year colonial period (1492–1776) has had a profound impact on the U.S. approach to civil rights. Take, for example, the standard elementary school lesson about how Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. What are we really teaching our children? Did Christopher Columbus Discover the Americas, Period? No. Humans have lived in the Americas for at least 15,000 years. By the time Columbus arrived, the Americas were populated by hundreds of small nations and several full-out empires such as the Inca in Peru and the Aztecs in Mexico. Further, the population influx from the west continued pretty much consistently, with late migrations into the Arctic region and the Peruvian coast by Easter Islands within a century of Columbuss landfall. Was Christopher Columbus the First European to Locate the Americas by Sea? No. Viking explorers clearly visited the eastern coast of North America and Greenland by the early 10th century. There is also a largely discredited theory suggesting that European migration to the Americas may have been accomplished by the late Upper Paleolithic period, c. 12,000 years ago. Was Columbus the First European to Create a Settlement in the Americas? No. The Viking explorer Eric the Red (950–1003 CE) established a colony in Greenland in about 982 and his son Leif Erikson (970–1012) established one in Newfoundland in about 1000. The Greenland settlement lasted 300 years; but the Newfoundland one, called Lanse aux Meadows, failed after a decade. Why Didnt the Norse Create Permanent Settlements? They did set up permanent settlements in Iceland and Greenland, but they ran into difficulties because they were unfamiliar with the local crops, and the lands were already settled by people the Vikings called skraelings who didnt welcome the newcomers. What Did Christopher Columbus Do, Exactly? He became the first European in recorded history to successfully conquer a small part of the Americas and then establish a trade route for the transportation of slaves and goods. In other words, Christopher Columbus didnt discover America; he monetized it. As he boasted to the Spanish royal finance minister, upon completion of his first voyage: [T]heir highnesses can see that I will give them as much gold as they may need, if their highness will render me very slight assistance; moreover, I will give them spices and cotton, as much as their highnesses shall command; and mastic, as much as they shall order to be shipped and which, up to now, has been found only in Greece, in the island of Chios, and the Seignory sells it for what it pleases; and aloe, as much as they shall order to be shipped; and slaves, as many as they shall order to be shipped and who will be from the idolaters. I believe also that I have found rhubarb and cinnamon, and I shall find a thousand other things of value... The voyage of 1492 was still a dangerous passage into uncharted territories, but Christopher Columbus was neither the first European to visit the Americas nor the first to establish a settlement there. His motives were anything but honorable, and his behavior was purely self-serving. He was, in effect, an ambitious pirate with a Spanish royal charter. Why Does This Matter? From a civil liberties point of view, the claim that Christopher Columbus discovered America contains several problematic implications. The most serious is the idea that the Americas were in any sense undiscovered when they were, in fact, already occupied. This belief—which would later be more explicitly incorporated into the idea of Manifest Destiny—obscures the horrifying moral implications of what Columbus, and those who followed him, did. There are also troubling, albeit more abstract, First Amendment implications to our governments decision to enforce a national mythology by having our educational system tell children a lie in the name of patriotism and then require them to regurgitate this correct answer on tests in order to pass. Our government expends considerable funds to defend this lie every year on Columbus Day, which is understandably upsetting for many survivors of the American Indian genocide and their allies. As Suzanne Benally, the former executive director of Cultural Survival, puts it: We ask that on this Columbus Day, a reflection of historical facts be observed. By the time European colonizers arrived, Indigenous people had already been on this continent for more than 20,000 years. We were farmers, scientists, astronomers, artists, mathematicians, singers, architects, physicians, teachers, mother, fathers, and Elders living in sophisticated societies †¦ We object to a false and hurtful holiday that perpetuates a vision of a land open to conquest of its Native inhabitants, their highly evolved societies, and natural resources.  We stand in solidarity with the call to transform Columbus Day by not recognizing and honoring the day as Columbus Day. Christopher Columbus did not discover America, and there is no good reason to keep pretending that he did.

Monday, December 23, 2019

An Example Of Good Writing Zinssers simplicity Essay...

An Example Of Good Writing: Zinssers quot;Simplicityquot; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Zinssers essay on Simplicity is an example of good writing for many reasons. The main topic in his essay is clutter. Throughout the essay he not only tells us why this is a problem, but he shows us through many detailed examples. The essay was written so that anyone who reads it could understand it. He does not use complex words that often tend to loose a reader. Zinsser asks questions throughout the essay that cause the reader to think and feel as though he is a part of the essay. The whole essay gives the reader a positive outlook on writing. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Clutter is all the unnecessary words that are added to a sentence. When a†¦show more content†¦When Zinsser is proving this point in his essay he uses the example of the president of a major university writing a very unclear letter to state a problem the school was experiencing. Zinsser translates the letter to read the actual message that everyone can understand. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; The way Zinsser writes the essay it is easy to understand. He uses everyday words not dictionary words. No one wants to read an essay that every other word they have to stop and go look it up because they do not know the meaning. This causes the reader to become frustrated and they also tend to loose interest. There are too many other options presented to people today that already stray them away from reading. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;By asking questions in the essay it keeps the readers attention. In the essay Zinsser asks, quot;Who is this elusive creature, the reader?quot; That question causes the people reading to stop and think, could he be talking about me? Now he has captured the readers full attention, so they read on to find the answer. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Throughout Zinssers essay he makes many suggestions to the reader in which he can better his own writing. This makes the reader go away with a good feeling. Now the reader knows what to do to get rid of the clutter in his writing. This makes the reader realize that he did not waste his time by reading the essay, but he actually learned something.Show MoreRelatedSimplicity878 Words   |  4 Pages  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  William Zinsser in his essay, â€Å"Simplicity,† describes the tendency people have to inflate their own words.   A majority of us think that something is missing if a word or sentence is too simple causing us to add unnecessary information  Ã‚  only to confuse our readers. Zinsser shows us examples of this in everyday life such as a simple letter, or a brochure by an insurance company, where the corporation uses a statement that overuses vocabulary to express something so simple. Zinsser observes thatRead MoreBusiness Communication4988 Words   |  20 PagesQ.4) Parallelism in headings Parallelism is use to create balance in writing something. This balance helps readers understand what they are reading because they know what to expect and can clearly see the connections between ideas. A sentence is parallel when the items listed in a series share the same grammatical structure Parallelism can be used effectively in parts of sentences, items in a rà ©sumà ©, bulleted lists and headings in a report. How do I make headings parallel? Headings are used

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Neutralization Test for Virus Free Essays

NEUTRALIZATION TEST FOR VIRUS Neutralization of a virus is defined as the loss of infectivity through reaction of the virus with specific antibody. Virus and serum are mixed under appropriate condition and then inoculated into cell culture, eggs or animals. The presence of unneutralized virus may be detected by reactions such as CPE, haemadsorption/haemagglutination, plaque formation, disease in animals. We will write a custom essay sample on Neutralization Test for Virus or any similar topic only for you Order Now The loss of infectivity is bought about by interference by the bound Ab with any one of the steps leading to the release of the viral genome into the host cells. There are two types of neutralization;- Reversible neutralization – The neutralization process can be reversed by diluting the Ab-Ag mixture within a short time of the formation of the Ag-Ab complexes (30 mins). It is thought that reversible neutralization is due to the interference with attachment of virions to the cellular receptors eg. the attachment of the HA protein of influenza viruses to sialic acid. The process requires the saturation of the surface of the virus with Abs. Stable neutralization – with time, Ag-Ab complexes usually become more stable (several hours) and the process cannot be reversed by dilution. Neither the virions nor the Abs are permanently changed in stable neutralization, for the unchanged components can be recovered. The neutralized virus can be reactivated by proteolytic cleavage. Stable neutralization has a different mechanism to that of reversible neutralization. It had been shown that neutralized virus can attach and that already attached virions can be neutralized. The number of Ab molecules required for stable neutralization is considerably smaller than that of reversible neutralization, Kinetic evidence shows that even a single Ab molecule can neutralize a virion. Such neutralization is generally produced by Ab molecules that establish contact with 2 antigenic sites on different monomers of a virion, greatly increasing the stability of the complexes. An example of stable neutralization is the neutralization of polioviruses, whereby, the attachment of the antibody to the viral capsid stabilizes the capsid and inhibits the uncoating and release of viral nucleic acid. Viral evolution must tend to select for mutations that change the antigenic determinants involved in neutralization. In contrast, other antigenic sites would tend to remain unchanged because mutations affecting them would not be selected for and could even be detrimental. A virus would thus evolve from an original type to a variety of types, different in neutralization (and sometimes in HI) tests, but retaining some of the original mosaic of antigenic determinants recognizable by CFTs. Because of its high immunological specificity, the neutralization test is often the standard against which the specificity of the other serological techniques is evaluated. Before the neutralization test is carried out, the known components that are to be used must be standardized. To identify a virus isolate, a known pretitred antiserum is used. Conversely, to measure the antibody response of an individual to a virus, a known pretitred virus is used. To titrate a known virus, serial tenfold dilutions of the isolate is prepared and inoculated into a susceptible host system such as cell culture or animal. The virus endpoint titre is the reciprocal of the highest dilution of virus that infects 50% of the host system eg. 50% of cell cultures develop CPE, or 50% of animals develop disease. This endpoint dilution contains one 50% tissue culture infecting dose (TCID50) or one 50% lethal dose (LD50) of virus per unit volume. The concentration of virus generally used in the neutralization test is 100 TCID50 or 100 LD50 per unit volume. The antiserum is titrated in the neutralization test against its homologous virus. Serial twofold dilutions of serum is prepared and mixed with an equal volume containing 100TCID50 of virus. The virus and serum mixtures are incubated for 1 hour at 37oC. The time and temperature for incubation varies with different viruses. The mixtures are then inoculated into a susceptible host system. The endpoint titration contains one antibody unit and is the reciprocal of the highest dilution of the antiserum protecting against the virus. Generally 20 antibody units of antiserum is used in the neutralization tests. How to cite Neutralization Test for Virus, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Walmart - Business Management Case Study - Click to Get Solution

Question: Describe about a Case study of Walmart? Answer: Executive summary: This report includes the business management process of Walmart. It is an American based multinational retail corporation that offers extensive ranges of products within various countries of world. It also operates its business activities by taking the strategy of merger and acquisition. It operates its business operation within many countries of Europe, Asia by merging some medium company. The Slogan of the company is Save money, live better. Main motto of this company is to help the customers in order to save the money by purchasing products from Walmart. Innovative thinking and the service of the leadership has helped this company for sustaining the growth within the market. This retail company of America offers extensive ranges of products, like cell phones, electronic products, clothing products, various health related products, equipment for exercising, ornaments, television sets, video games and many items. Therefore, Walmart has to compete with several companies of retail business in those operating countries. It also operates its effective business activities by taking the advantage of online medium. It offers ecommerce website for operating business activities. . Walmart operates its effective business operation within 11,000 stores under 71 banners among 21 countries of World. Apart from this, there are e-commerce websites within 11 countries. Main aim of Walmart is to help the customers in order to save the money and live more happily. On the other hand, it can be analyzed that financial position of the company is more or less good. The share price of this company is not so high. However, the forward price of Walmart is effective. However, this company has also offered extensive business operation with different countries. It mainly takes the strategy of mergers and acquisition in order to operate effective business within the global market. At the first year of operation, Walmart has started its first store in America. After that, gradually Walmart opened various stores and other operations in countries of Latin America, Europe. Walmart has also started its effective business operation within the developing countries, like India, some countries of Africa etc. Apart from doing business, this company also engages with different activities of corporate social responsibility within the countries where it operates its business globally. Walmart has taken initiative to help those poor people by operating some activities of corporate social responsibility. 1.0. Introduction: This report contains a detail analysis of Walmart. This is a multinational company that operates its business activity within the international market sector. It is an America based retail corporation that operates a chain of departments and warehouses stores within the international market. This study includes detail analysis of the products of the firms, industry and competitive position of this company within the international market. This report also contains the level of foreign operations of this company within the international market. It also includes the ratio analysis of the financial data. 1.1. Background of the company: Walmart is an American multinational retail company. First store of this company was opened Rogers (1962). Sam Walton is the founder of this company. Main motto of this company is to help the customers in order to save the money by purchasing products from Walmart. Innovative thinking and the service of the leadership has helped this company for sustaining the growth within the market. Walmart has operated its business within many countries of world. It is a multinational company. It offers huge ranges of different products through retail outlets as well as online medium under the product branding strategy. Slogan of the company is Save money, live better. Figure 1: Logo of the company (Source: www.walmart.com, 2015) Firstly, it has opened its store in United States. However, it has expanded its business within the international level. It also operates its effective business within online medium by using e-commerce websites. Customers can also access the Walmart stores from cell phones. It has become an International business company in the year of 1991. It operates its business within 26 countries outside United States. It also has 6,100 stores at international level. Therefore, the international business scenario of Walmart is increasing gradually. Apart from doing business, this company also engages with different activities of corporate social responsibility within the countries where it operates its business globally. This company always tries to meet the needs and demands of the customers of different countries as because every country has different value and choice and socio economic condition. Walmart also operates business within some third world countries. Therefore, Walmart has made th e initiative to meet the expectations and demands of the countries (Diva-portal.org, 2015). 1.2. Products of the firm: This retail company of America offers extensive ranges of products, like cell phones, electronic products, clothing products, various health related products, equipment for exercising, ornaments, television sets, video games and many items. This company serves a huge variety of products within the international market. Walmart stores offer some store brands. Store brands are related to some line of products. As stated by, Toor (2014) store brands can be recognized as a line of products those are branded by the retailer within the brand identity of the company. This can be refereed as product branding or house branding. There are some brands of products. Therefore, Sams choice, Great Value, Equate, Mainstays, Dr. Thunder, Special Kitty, White Stag, George are the name of the brands of Walmart. Therefore, this retail company offers various products under different name. This process can be called as product branding strategy. Walmart therefore offers in-stores and online facility to the customers. Customers can shop from the online store and as well as traditional retail stores of Walmart. This company claims that they help the customers in order to save money by shopping through retail stores, online medium and mobile devices of the customers. Walmart operates its effective business operation within 11,000 stores under 71 banners among 21 countries of World. Apart from this, there are e-commerce websites within 11 countries. Main aim of Walmart is to help the customers in order to save the money and live more happily (Tomlin, 2014). Moreover, customers have demanded for environmentally responsible products to the Walmart. For this growing demand of customers, Walmart has started to take initiative in order to provide a Sustainable Product Index Program in 2009. The goal of this company is to examine the supply chain and create an index that will help in ranking the products as per the measure of the impacts of environment. The demand of environmental friendly goods has increased within the customers. They are demanding more effective and efficient as well as sustainable products from Walmart. For this reason, This Company has taken initiatives. Customers also have the demand about the information of the entire lifecycles of the product (Walmart.com, 2015). 1.3. Business industry: Walmart operates its effective business within retail sector. This retail industry is the fastest growing market within the competitive market. Especially in United States, United Kingdom the business of retail has been increased a more. The retail industry has also grabbed its position within the countries of third world. Developing countries also are engaging with this retail industry. As defined by, Ang (2014), retail industry offers all types of products within an umbrella of a company. Customers can find all types of products from this retail sector. At the very beginning, retail business was dominated by the small target store. However, with the changing face of time multinational conglomerates has also taken over the business operation of the company. However, multinational conglomerates of retail have taken initiative in order to set up the huge distribution chains, management system as well as effective and wide marketing plans. However, segments of retail industry can be categorized by two major divisions. Those are, hard and soft. Hard retail therefore involves electronics, furniture, sporting products etc. On the other hand, soft retail industry involves by clothing, fabrics etc. Walmart is a multinational conglomerate of retail industry and it offers both hard and soft products (Ushakov Arkhipov,2014). Every retailer tries to make differences in the strategy of their business operation. Their strategy of business operation is very important in order to sustain within the industry. There are different types of retailers. Some companies operate retail business by operating department stores. Department stores refer to very large stores who offer wide variety of products and services. Some companies also offer huge variety of products and services by giving discount on products. This is the main competitive factor of these types of companies. There can be Demographic types of retail business. Demographic retailers focus only upon a particular segment of product or service (Cox et al. 2013). Therefore, Walmart operates business by operating sale by departmental store and discount store. 1.4. Competitive position of the company within the market: Walmart has achieved a good position within the competitive market. Walmart has achieved a secured place within the market. Market share of Walmart was 65.4% in 2012 within the U.S market of retail industry. Target and Kmart are two main competitors of Walmart in the retail sector of America (). The market share of Walmart has increased a lot. On the other hand, e-commerce market share of Walmart has also been increased. Main competitors of Walmart are Kmart, Target in American market. These two supermarket chains of United States also offer products and services at a very low cost. Therefore, Walmart has to compete with these retail companies in order to sustain within the competitive market sector. However, in U.K market sector, main competitors of Walmart are Tesco, Asda, Sainsburys etc. The retail industry is increasing within the retail market of United Kingdom. Therefore, Walmart has to compete with several retail companies in U.K. Therefore, Walmart can be stated as the largest retailer of the world. However, the online activity and ecommerce of Walmart is also increased a lot. Therefore, Amazon is positioned first in the process of operating business through online activity. Therefore, Walmart is following Amazon for operating the online activity within the market. Therefore, Walmart also has competed in the ecommerce activity within different market share of several retail companies. However, Walmart has maintained a secured position than other retailers within the market. Walmart has tried to maintain its effective warehouse operation of its own. Walmart has also situated its stores in small areas and towns. At the very beginning of its journey Walmart has situated different stores within some areas where no competitors have entered. Walmart operates some discount stores. Those discount stores provide products at 10-15% lower than other traditional as well as conventional stores of the exiting market (Bhandarker, 2014). Therefore, (Brijs (2013) analyzed that, the process of store-operation of Walmart is also very effective rather than other competitors of the market. Walmart has maintained a structure of sales that offers $300 sales per square fit. On the other hand, the amount of sales per square fit is $209 of Target and $209 of Kmart. Walmart therefore spent 1.5% for the information system of discount stores. It is comparatively higher than other competitors of the market. Walmart therefore utilizes effective technology in order to decrease the inventory cost. This process also helps Walmart to increase the sale within the competitive market. Therefore, diversification of the products of Walmart is very effective that helps to sustain in the competitive market. 1.5. Financial performance of the company: As stated by, Hill et al. (2013) Walmart has an impressive attributes as well as track record for sustainable growth. It offers an accurate balance sheet. The share price of this company is not so high. However, the forward price of Walmart is effective. DRAG analysis of Walmart therefore shows the growth rate of this company. The share of Walmart will be high by 20-25%. On the other hand, the share of Walmart stores stays effective for all time. Wal-Mart Industry Analysis Industry Beta 0.98 Stock Beta 0.45 10 Year EPS Std Dev 7.5% Industry Score 3/3 Figure: Drag analysis of Walmart (Source: Stoichev, 2014, pp-309) Therefore, Walmart serves a lot as an effective retail store. The shares of Walmart always exhibit the below-average beta. Figure : Beta analysis of Walmart (Source: Yang Chen, 2014, pp-23) On the other hand, Joshi Pande (2014) argued that, in the fiscal year of 2014, Walmart could not achieve earnings per share. Wal-Mart Competitive Position Analysis Gross Margin 24.8% Operating Margin 5.5% Return on Assets 7.6% Return on Invested Capital 12.9% Competitive Position Score 2/3 Figure: Analysis of Competitive position of Walmart (Source: Pantano, 2014, pp-340) 1.6. Level of foreign operations: At the very beginning, Walmart has located its first store in United States. Gradually, this company has taken the initiative to operate at foreign as well as international level. At the year of 1995, Walmart has located its stores in three over populated countries of Latin America. Mexico, Brazil and Argentina were three countries where Walmart has grabbed the position within the market. In Mexico, Walmart has started joint ventures also. In the year 1996, Walmart entered into the market of China. In 2009, this company also opens 40 new outlets in various states of China. In 2006, Walmart has opened approx 73 stores within 36 cities. However, Walmart has begun its operation in Europe by 1998. In Europe, Walmart had to face some troubles in this region in order to operate most effective business (). Here, Walmart has faced trouble for poor location. Walmart had to compete with large supermarket of Europe, like Aldi, Lidi etc. However, Walmart has overcome these troubles by taking strategic decision. On the other hand, Walmart has acquired ASDA Group PLC for entering the market of United Kingdom. For this case, Walmart has taken the strategy of merger and acquisition. It had to compete with major chains of supermarkets in U.K. In 2002, it has also taken the initiative of mergers and acquisition in order to enter into the Japanese market. Walmart has only one store in India. Therefore, it has been shown that, Walmart often takes the strategy of mergers in order to operate business within global sector (). Conclusion: This report has discussed the process of business management of Walmart. Walmart is an American retail conglomerate that operates a chain of departments and warehouses stores within various countries of World. Therefore, this report has analyzed the condition of retail industry as well as position of the company within the market. This report has also discussed about the financial position of Walmart. Reference list: Books Ang, S. (2014). Research design for business management. Los Angeles: SAGE. Brijs, B. (2013). Business analysis for business intelligence. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Stephens, D. (2013). The retail revival. Mississauga, Ont.: Wiley. Hill, C., Cronk, T., Wickramasekera, R. (2013). Global business today. North Ryde, N.S.W.: McGraw-Hill Education (Australia). Cox, H., Clegg, J., Ietto-Gillies, G. (2013). 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Friday, November 29, 2019

Ssks Essay Example

Ssks Essay Java Collection Interview Questions Q:| What is the Collections API? | A:| The Collections API is a set of classes and interfaces that support operations on collections of objects. | Q:| What is the List interface? | A:| The List interface provides support for ordered collections of objects. | Q:| What is the Vector class? | A:| The Vector class provides the capability to implement a growable array of objects. | Q:| What is an Iterator interface? | A:| The Iterator interface is used to step through the elements of a Collection  . | Q:| Which java. util classes and interfaces support event handling? A:| The EventObject class and the EventListener interface support event processing. | Q:| What is the GregorianCalendar class? | A:| The GregorianCalendar provides support for traditional Western calendars| Q:| What is the Locale class? | A:| The Locale class is used to tailor program output to the conventions of a particular geographic, political, or cultural region . |   | | | Q:| Wh at is the SimpleTimeZone class? | A:| The SimpleTimeZone class provides support for a Gregorian calendar . |   | | | Q:| What is the Map interface? | A:| The Map interface replaces the JDK 1. 1 Dictionary class and is used associate keys with values.   | | | Q:| What is the highest-level event class of the event-delegation model? | A:| The java. util. EventObject class is the highest-level class in the event-delegation class hierarchy. |   | | | Q:| What is the Collection interface? | A:| The Collection interface provides support for the implementation of a mathematical bag an unordered collection of objects that may contain duplicates. |   | | | Q:| What is the Set interface? | A:| The Set interface provides methods for accessing the elements of a finite mathematical set. Sets do not allow duplicate elements. |   | | | Q:| What is the typical use of Hashtable? | A:| Whenever a program wants to store a key value pair, one can use Hashtable. |   | | | Q:| I am trying to store an object using a key in a Hashtable. And some other object already exists in that location, then what will happen? The existing object will be overwritten? Or the new object will be stored elsewhere? | A:| The existing object will be overwritten and thus it will be lost. |   | | | Q:| What is the difference between the size and capacity of a Vector? | A:| The size is the number of elements actually stored in the vector, while capacity is the maximum number of elements it can store at a given instance of time.   | | | Q:| Can a vector contain heterogenous objects? | A:| Yes a Vector can contain heterogenous objects. Because a Vector stores everything in terms of Object. |   | | | Q:| Can a ArrayList contain heterogenous objects? | A:| Yes a ArrayList can contain heterogenous objects. Because a ArrayList stores everything in terms of Object. |   | | | Q:| What is an enumeration? | A:| An enumeration is an interface containing methods for accessing the underlying data structure from which the enumeration is obtained. We will write a custom essay sample on Ssks specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Ssks specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Ssks specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer It is a construct which collection classes return when you request a collection of all the objects stored in the collection. It allows sequential access to all the elements stored in the collection. |   | | | Q:| Considering the basic properties of Vector and ArrayList, where will you use Vector and where will you use ArrayList? | A:| The basic difference between a Vector and an ArrayList is that, vector is synchronized while ArrayList is not. Thus whenever there is a possibility of multiple threads accessing the same instance, one should use Vector. While if not multiple threads are going to access the same instance then use ArrayList. Non synchronized data structure will give better performance than the synchronized one. |   | | | Q:| Can a vector contain heterogenous objects? | A:| Yes a Vector can contain heterogenous objects. Because a Vector stores everything in terms of Object. |   | Java Collections Interview QuestionsWhat is HashMap and Map? Map is Interface and Hashmap is class that implements this interface. What is the significance of ListIterator? OrWhat is the difference b/w Iterator and ListIterator? Iterator :  Enables you to cycle through a collection in the forward direction only, for obtaining or removing elementsListIterator :  It extends Iterator, allow bidirectional traversal of list and the modification of elementsDifference between HashMap and HashTable? Can we make hashmap synchronized? 1. The HashMap class is roughly equivalent to Hashtable, except that it is unsynchronized and permits nulls. (HashMap  allows null values as key and value whereas Hashtable doesn’t allow nulls). 2. HashMap does not guarantee that the order of the map will remain constant over time. 3. HashMap is non synchronized whereas Hashtable is synchronized. . Iterator in the HashMap is fail-safe while the enumerator for the Hashtable isnt. Note on Some Important Terms 1)Synchronized means only one thread can modify a hash table at one point of time. Basically, it means that any thread before performing an update on a hashtable will have to acquire a lock on the object while others will wait for lock to be released. 2)Fail-safe is relevant from the context of iterators. If an iterator has been created on a collection object and some other thread tries to modify the collection object structurally†, a concurrent modification exception will be thrown. It is possible for other threads though to invoke set method since it doesn’t modify the collection structurally†. However, if prior to calling set, the collection has been modified structurally, IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. HashMap can be synchronized byMap m = Collections. synchronizeMap(hashMap);What is the difference between set and list? A Set stores elements in an unordered way and does not contain duplicate elements, whereas a list stores elements in an ordered way but may contain duplicate elements. Difference between Vector and ArrayList? What is the Vector class? Vector is synchronized whereas ArrayList is not. The Vector class provides the capability to implement a growable array of objects. ArrayList and Vector class both implement the List interface. Both classes are implemented using dynamically resizable arrays, providing fast random access and fast traversal. In vector the data is retrieved using the elementAt() method while in ArrayList, it is done using the get() method. ArrayList has no default size while vector has a default size of 10. when you want programs to run in multithreading environment then use concept of vector because it is synchronized. But ArrayList is not synchronized so, avoid use of it in a multithreading environment. What is an Iterator interface? Is Iterator a Class or Interface? What is its use? The Iterator is an interface, used to traverse through the elements of a Collection. It is not advisable to modify the collection itself while traversing an Iterator. What is the Collections API? The Collections API is a set of classes and interfaces that support operations on collections of objects. Example of classes: HashSet, HashMap, ArrayList, LinkedList, TreeSet and TreeMap. Example of interfaces: Collection, Set, List and Map. What is the List interface? The List interface provides support for ordered collections of objects. How can we access elements of a collection? We can access the elements of a collection using the following ways: 1. Every collection object has get(index) method to get the element of the object. This method will return Object. 2. Collection provide Enumeration or Iterator object so that we can get the objects of a collection one by one. What is the Set interface? The Set interface provides methods for accessing the elements of a finite mathematical set. Sets do not allow duplicate elements. What’s the difference between a queue and a stack? Stack is a data structure that is based on last-in-first-out rule (LIFO), while queues are based on First-in-first-out (FIFO) rule. What is the Map interface? The Map interface is used associate keys with values. What is the Properties class? The properties class is a subclass of Hashtable that can be read from or written to a stream. It also provides the capability to specify a set of default values to be used. Which implementation of the List interface provides for the fastest insertion of a new element into the middle of the list? a. Vector   b. ArrayList . LinkedList d. None of the aboveArrayList and Vector both use an array to store the elements of the list. When an element is inserted into the middle of the list the elements that follow the insertion point must be shifted to make room for the new element. The LinkedList is implemented using a doubly linked list; an insertion requires only the updating of the links at t he point of insertion. Therefore, the LinkedList allows for fast insertions and deletions. How can we use hashset in collection interface? This class implements the set interface, backed by a hash table (actually a HashMap instance). It makes no guarantees as to the iteration order of the set; in particular, it does not guarantee that the order will remain constant over time. This class permits the Null element. This class offers constant time performance for the basic operations (add, remove, contains and size), assuming the hash function disperses the elements properly among the buckets. What are differences between Enumeration, ArrayList, Hashtable and Collections and Collection? Enumeration: It is series of elements. It can be use to enumerate through the elements of a vector, keys or values of a hashtable. You can not remove elements from Enumeration. ArrayList:  It is re-sizable array implementation. Belongs to List group in collection. It permits all elements, including null. It is not thread -safe. Hashtable:  It maps key to value. You can use non-null value for key or value. It is part of group Map in collection. Collections:  It implements Polymorphic algorithms which operate on collections. Collection:  It is the root interface in the collection hierarchy. What is difference between array ; arraylist? An ArrayList is resizable, where as, an array is not. ArrayList is a part of the Collection Framework. We can store any type of objects, and we can deal with only objects. It is growable. Array is collection of similar data items. We can have array of primitives or objects. It is of fixed size. We can have multi dimensional arrays. Array:  can store primitive  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ArrayList:  Stores object onlyArray:  fix size  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ArrayList:  resizableArray:  can have multi dimensionalArray:  lang   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ArrayList:  Collection frameworkCan you limit the initial capacity of vector in java? Yes you can limit the initial capacity. We can construct an empty vector with specified initial capacitypublic vector(int initialcapacity)What method should the key class of Hashmap override? The methods to override are equals() and hashCode(). What is the difference between Enumeration and Iterator? The functionality of Enumeration interface is duplicated by the Iterator interface. Iterator has a remove() method while Enumeration doesnt. Enumeration acts as Read-only interface, because it has the methods only to traverse and fetch the objects, where as using Iterator we can manipulate the objects also like adding and removing the objects. So Enumeration is used when ever we want to make Collection objects as Read-only. Collections Interview Questions| Q1) What is difference between ArrayList and vector? Ans: )1) Synchronization ArrayList is not thread-safe whereas Vector is thread-safe. In Vector class each method like add(), get(int i) is surrounded with a synchronized block and thus making Vector class thread-safe. 2) Data growth Internally, both the ArrayList and Vector hold onto their contents using an Array. When an element is inserted into an ArrayList or a Vector, the object will need to expand its internal array if it runs out of room. A Vector defaults to doubling the size of its array, while the ArrayList increases its array size by 50 percent. | Q2) How can Arraylist be synchronized without using Vector? Ans) Arraylist can be synchronized using:Collection. synchronizedList(List list)Other collections can be synchronized:Collection. synchronizedMap(Map map)Collection. synchronizedCollection(Collection c)| Q3) If an Employee class is present and its objects are added in an arrayList. Now I want the list to be sorted on the basis of the employeeID of Employee class. What are the steps? Ans) 1) Implement Comparable interface for the Employee class and override the compareTo(Object obj) method in which compare the employeeID2) Now call Collections. sort() method and pass list as an argument. Now consider that Employee class is a jar file. 1) Since Comparable interface cannot be implemented, create Comparator and override the compare(Object obj, Object obj1) method . 2) Call Collections. sort() on the list and pass comparator as an argument. | Q4)What is difference between HashMap and HashTable? Ans) Both collections implements Map. Both collections store value as key-value pairs. The key differences between the two are1. Hashmap is not synchronized in nature but hshtable is. 2. Another difference is that iterator in the HashMap is fail-safe while the enumerator for the Hashtable isnt. Fail-safe   aâ‚ ¬? if the Hashtable is structurally modified at any time after the iterator is created, in any way except through the iterators own remove method, the iterator will throw a ConcurrentModificationExceptionaâ‚ ¬? 3. HashMap permits null values and only one null key, while Hashtable doesnt allow key or value as null. | Q5) What are the classes implementing List interface? Ans) There are three classes that implement List interface: 1)  ArrayList  : It is a resizable array implementation. The size of the ArrayList can be increased dynamically also operations like add,remove and get can be formed once the object is created. It also ensures that the data is retrieved in the manner it was stored. The ArrayList is not thread-safe. 2)  Vector: It is thread-safe implementation of ArrayList. The methods are wrapped around a synchronized block. 3)  LinkedList: the LinkedList also implements Queue interface and provide FIFO(First In First Out) operation for add operation. It is faster if than ArrayList if it performs insertion and deletion of elements from the middle of a list. | Q6) Which all classes implement Set interface? Ans) A Set is a collection that contains no duplicate elements. More formally, sets contain no pair of elements e1 and e2 such that e1. equals(e2), and at most one null element. HashSet,SortedSet and TreeSet  are the commnly used class which implements Set interface. SortedSet   It is an interface which extends Set. A the name suggest , the interface allows the data to be iterated in the ascending order or sorted on the basis of Comparator or Comparable interface. All elements inserted into the interface must implement Comparable or Comparator interface. TreeSet   It is the implementation of SortedSet interface. This implementation provides guaranteed log(n) time cost for the basic operations (add, remove and contains). The class is not synchronized. HashSet:  This class implements the Set interface, backed by a hash table (actually a HashMap instance). It makes no guarantees as to the iteration order of the set; in particular, it does not guarantee that the order will remain constant over time. This class permits the null element. This class offers constant time performance for the basic operations (add, remove, contains and size), assuming the hash function disperses the elements properly among the buckets| Q7) What is  difference  between List and a Set? Ans) 1) List can contain duplicate values but Set doesnt allow. Set allows only to unique elements. 2) List allows retrieval of data to be in same order in the way it is inserted but Set doesnt ensures the sequence in which data can be retrieved. (Except HashSet)| Q8) What is difference between Arrays and ArrayList ? Ans) Arrays are created of fix size whereas ArrayList is of not fix size. It means that once array is declared as : 1. int [] intArray= new int[6]; 2. intArray[7]  Ã‚   // will give ArraysOutOfBoundException. Also the size of array cannot be incremented or decremented. But with arrayList the size is variable. 2. Once the array is created elements cannot be added or deleted from it. But with ArrayList the elements can be added and deleted at runtime. List list = new ArrayList(); list. add(1); list. add(3); list. remove(0) // will remove the element from the 1st location. 3. ArrayList is one dimensional but array can be multidimensional. nt[][][] intArray= new int[3][2][1];  Ã‚   // 3 dimensional array  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   4. To create an array the size should be known or initalized to some value. If not initialized carefully there could me memory wastage. But arrayList is all about dynamic creation and there is no wastage of memory. | Q9) When to use ArrayList or LinkedList ? Ans)   Adding new elements is pretty fast for either type of list. For the ArrayL ist, doing   random lookup using get is fast, but for LinkedList, its slow. Its slow because theres no efficient way to index into the middle of a linked list. When removing elements, using ArrayList is slow. This is because all remaining elements in the underlying array of Object instances must be shifted down for each remove operation. But here LinkedList is fast, because deletion can be done simply by changing a couple of links. So an ArrayList works best for cases where youre doing random access on the list, and a LinkedList works better if youre doing a lot of editing in the middle of the list. | Q10) Consider a scenario. If an ArrayList has to be iterate to read data only, what are the possible ways and which is the fastest? Ans) It can be done in two ways, using for loop or using iterator of ArrayList. The first option is faster than using iterator. Because value stored in arraylist is indexed access. So while accessing the value is accessed directly as per the index. | Q11) Now another question with respect to above question is if accessing through iterator is slow then why do we need it and when to use it. Ans) For loop does not allow the updation in the array(add or remove operation) inside the loop whereas Iterator does. Also Iterator can be used where there is no clue what type of collections will be used because all collections have iterator. | Q12) Which design pattern Iterator follows? Ans) It follows Iterator design pattern. Iterator Pattern is a type of behavioral pattern. The Iterator pattern is one, which allows you to navigate through a collection of data using a common interface without knowing about the underlying implementation. Iterator should be implemented as an interface. This allows the user to implement it anyway its easier for him/her to return data. The benefits of Iterator are about their strength to provide a common interface for iterating through collections without bothering about underlying implementation. Example of Iteration design pattern Enumeration The class java. util. Enumeration is an example of the Iterator pattern. It represents and abstract means of iterating over a collection of elements in some sequential order without the client having to know the representation of the collection being iterated over. It can be used to provide a uniform interface for traversing collections of all kinds. | Q12) Is it better to have a HashMap with large number of records or n number of small hashMaps? Ans) It depends on the different scenario one is working on: 1) If the objects in the hashMap are same then there is no point in having different hashmap as the traverse time in a hashmap is invariant to the size of the Map. ) If the objects are of different type like one of Person class , other of Animal class etc then also one can have single hashmap but different hashmap would score over it as it would have better readability. | Q13) Why is it preferred to declare: ListString list = new ArrayListString(); instead of ArrayListString = new ArrayListString();Ans) It is preferred because: 1. If later on code needs to be changed from ArrayList to Vector then only at the declaration place we can do that. 2. The most important one – If a function is declared such that it takes list. E. g void showDetails(List list); When the parameter is declared as List to the function it can be called by passing any subclass of List like ArrayList,Vector,LinkedList making the function more flexible| Q14) What is difference between iterator access and index access? Ans) Index based access allow access of the element directly on the basis of index. The cursor of the datastructure can directly goto the n location and get the element. It doesnot traverse through n-1 elements. In Iterator based access, the cursor has to traverse through each element to get the desired element. So to reach the nth element it need to traverse through n-1 elements. Insertion,updation or deletion will be faster for iterator based access if the operations are performed on elements present in between the datastructure. Insertion,updation or deletion will be faster for index based access if the operations are performed on elements present at last of the datastructure. Traversal or search in index based datastructure is faster. ArrayList is index access and LinkedList is iterator access. | Q15) How to sort list in reverse order? Ans) To sort the elements of the List in the reverse natural order of the strings, get a reverse Comparator from the Collections class with reverseOrder(). Then, pass the reverse Comparator to the sort() method. List list = new ArrayList();Comparator comp = Collections. reverseOrder();Collections. sort(list, comp)| Q16) Can a null element added to a Treeset or HashSet? Ans) A null element can be added only if the set contains one element because when a second element is added then as per set defination a check is made to check duplicate value and comparison with null element will throw NullPointerException. HashSet is based on hashMap and can contain null element. | Q17) How to sort list of strings case insensitive? Ans) using Collections. sort(list, String. CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);| Q18) How to make a List (ArrayList,Vector,LinkedList) read only? Ans) A list implemenation can be made read only using  Collections. unmodifiableList(list). This method returns a new list. If a user tries to perform add operation on the new list; UnSupportedOperationException is thrown. | Q19) What is ConcurrentHashMap? Ans) A concurrentHashMap is thread-safe implementation of Map interface. In this class put and remove method are synchronized but not get method. This class is different from Hashtable in terms of locking; it means that hashtable use object level lock but this class uses bucket level lock thus having better performance. | Q20) Which is faster to iterate LinkedHashSet or LinkedList? Ans) LinkedList. | Q21) Which data structure HashSet implementsAns) HashSet implements hashmap internally to store the data. The data passed to hashset is stored as key in hashmap with null as value. Q22) Arrange in the order of speed HashMap,HashTable, Collections. synchronizedMap,concurrentHashmapAns) HashMap is fastest, ConcurrentHashMap,Collections. synchronizedMap,HashTable. | Q23) What is identityHashMap? Ans) The IdentityHashMap uses == for equality checking instead of equals(). This can be used for both performance reasons, if you know that two different elements will never be equals and for preventing spoofing, where an object tries to imitate another. | Q24) What is WeakHashMap? Ans) A hashtable-based Map implementation with weak keys. An entry in a WeakHashMap will automatically be removed when its key is no longer in ordinary use. More precisely, the presence of a mapping for a given key will not prevent the key from being discarded by the garbage collector, that is, made finalizable, finalized, and then reclaimed. When a key has been discarded its entry is effectively removed from the map, so this class behaves somewhat differently than other Map implementations. QUESTIONS:1. You need to insert huge amount of objects and randomly delete them one by one. Which Collection data structure is best pet? Obviously, LinkedList. 2. What goes wrong if the HashMap key has same hashCode value? It leads to ‘Collision’ wherein all the values are stored in same bucket. Hence, the searching time increases quad radically. 3. If hashCode() method is overridden but equals() is not, for the class ‘A’, then what may go wrong if you use this class as a key in HashMap? Left to Readers. 4. How will you remove duplicate element from a List? Add the List elements to Set. Duplicates will be removed. 5. How will you synchronize a Collection class dynamically? Use the utility method  . |   | | |   | |

Monday, November 25, 2019

Owls essays

Owls essays The Law of Conservation of Mass states that during a normal chemical change the mas of the reagents in a reaction should not differ greatly from the mass of the products. The purpose of this lab is to investigate the law by measuring the reagents and products of a reaction. For this experiment I needed an eye dropper, a 100ml flask, filter paper, ring stand with clasp, and an stirring rod. The chemicals that I used were 30ml of distilled water, 100 drops of tap water, lead nitrate, phelnophthaleln solution, and sodium carbonate solution. My first procedure consisted of me measuring out 100 drops of water with my eye dropper, into a preciously weighed evaporating dish. Then I measured the temperature of the water and looked up its density, by the temperature. After that, I divided the density into the mas of the water. This is the volume by 100 drops of water. When I was finished with this procedure I recorded the information on my chart. The reaction for my experiment was between lead II nitrate and sodium carbonate. The equation was Pb(No3)2 + Na2CO3 > PbCO3 + 2NaNo3. My reaction dried out and then I weighed out the products. I then compared this weight with the starting weight. First, I placed 30ml of distilled water into a 100ml flask. Then I weighed out one gram of lead nitrate and dissolved it in the 30ml water. Next, I added two drops of phelnophthaleln solution. I added one drop at a time of sodium carbonate solution. Next, I weighed my filter paper and recorded its weight. After that, I took the filter mixture and ran it through the paper. Finally, I ran one last portion of distilled water through the filter paper, and then dried the paper once more to weigh it. When I was finished with everything, I checked over my results and the recorded all of my final findings on my data table. In each of my procedures I recorded my findings. From my findings I then used the i ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Benefits and costs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Benefits and costs - Essay Example Vehicles create exhaust gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2), hydrocarbons (HC), volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and particulate matter (OEERE 1). These pollutants create air pollution, adversely affecting health of the general population (OEERE 1). Market failure is inevitable as these negative externalities cause cardiopulmonary diseases leading to premature deaths, decreased visibility and other dangerous side effects. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) used command and control policies (Peltz & Fitzgerald 2). Lead was removed from fuel, oxygenates were added and sulfur content was reduced (OEERE 2). Catalytic converters were placed on US passenger cars, SUVs and light trucks to reduce CO, NOx, HC, and VOC emissions. VOC emission capturing and emissions testing of cars were introduced too (OEERE 2). Many decided to commute and so decreased emissions levels. However, improvements also led to reckless behavior. Pollution caused by vehicles in the USA has become a global problem. While Americans represent only five percent of world population, they use one third of world’s cars (Borger). American cars are 15 percent less fuel efficient than passenger cars driven elsewhere. Moreover, Americans on average drive longer distances than Europeans or Asians. Since 1988, carbon dioxide emissions have been increasing (Borger). CAA has not produced positive results with regard to carbon dioxide emissions. The resulting pollution has increased incidence of cardiopulmonary conditions such as asthma and heart disease (OEERE 2). In 1990, under the CAA Amendments (CAAA), vehicle standards were made stricter (EPAa). Under the amendments, ozone pollution, carbon monoxide and particulate matter emissions were addressed. Procedures such as inspection/maintenance programs and vapor recovery installations at gas stations were introduced (EPAb). A permit system will be developed

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Strategic Plan to Reduce Falls and all Realated Injuries on the Essay

Strategic Plan to Reduce Falls and all Realated Injuries on the Alzhiemers Disease Unit - Essay Example As the AD progresses, complex motor sequences become disorder, and this issue increases the victims’ risk of falling. In the advanced stage, AD patients will be completely dependent on their caregivers. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2014), falls and fall related injuries constituted the leading cause of both fatal and nonfatal injuries among older adults in 2010 (CDC). This paper will introduce a strategic plan to reduce falls and all related injuries in Alzheimer Disease Unit. The occurrence of falls in AD victims is very frequent and this problem results in dreadful consequences like fractures, cognitive decline, and lack of independence. Many studies have identified the fatal consequences of falls among AD patients with intend to develop potential prevention/intervention strategies. Statistical data from an Alzheimer’s disease unit in a nursing home in Chicago indicate that there have been 6-7 hips surgeries and one death resulting from fall over the last two months. According to Alzheimer’s Association (2013), 26% of the AD related hospitalizations in 2013 could be attributed to syncope, fall, and trauma. Orcioli-Silva, Simieli, Barbieri, Stella, & Gobbi1 (2012) reflect that as compared to healthy elders, elderly people with AD are highly vulnerable to falls, falling nearly 4-5 times a year. Referring to various studies, the authors add that ‘touched or stumbled on the obstacles’ constitute one of the leading causes of falls in AD patients. High cognitive load in AD patients causes motor changes, which in turn leads to decreased automated motor of gait and increased risk of falling. Kato-Narita and Radanovic (2009) clearly state that â€Å"elderly with dementia have a doubled to threefold risk for the occurrence of falls, probably due to motor impairment, attentional deficits, use of psychotropic medication, and behavioral

Monday, November 18, 2019

Discussion Topic -Forum for Current Events Article

Discussion Topic -Forum for Current Events - Article Example â€Å"Facebook itself had also voiced its displeasure, noting that it explicitly bans fake profiles on its site,† (BBC News). By any standard, this case constitutes a security breach since the complainant did not consent to the creation of a fake Facebook page. In as far as security planning and risk assessment are concerned, it can be noted that the US Justice Department erred by creating a fake Facebook account thought they had a noble intention for doing that. Drug peddling is a serious crime but this should not be taken as a leeway to breach the security concerns of other people. In such a case, it is imperative for the responsible authorities to properly plan their strategies they would use in carrying out investigations relating to this case without posing a security risk to the third party involved. In order to avoid the scenario highlighted above, it is important to carryout risk assessment of the course of action likely to be taken in order to avoid complications with regards to security

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Procurement Issues in Construction

Procurement Issues in Construction We refer to your management in taking the opportunity to rebuild three of the Cinnamon Grand hotels in South East of the UK, to a better quality and facilities than before they were destroyed by the bad weather and storm. The rebuild hotels are requiring being in line with the clients policy on architectural significance and aesthetics of the building. The quality of the building is thus a major factor to be considered. As the hotels are situated in the prime location, construction is proved to be a challenge in terms of time factor and accessibility of work. In phase 1, the completion date is critical as the building require to handover by 28th February 2015 and the operation of the hotels for roofs, guest rooms, restaurant, and swimming pools will be made possible. Time is an essence and a procurement route of saving overall design and construction time is priority. Time saving will enable the client to operate the business on time or earlier, therefore reducing the time of closing down business. The planned construction start date at the site is 1st March 2014, and the planned reopening date is schedule on 1st April 2015. Hence, the actual construction period is last than a year. In phase 2, new facilities such as dance studios, health and fitness centre, conference and meeting rooms will be constructed for the enhancement of the health and well-being of the hotel visitors. The Interfacing works such as the integration of the services from phase 1 to phase 2, and the new construction works for phase 2, while the hotels is in operation requires good controls and management skills for the complexity of the work. In consideration of some of the very important points of the above, we have looked into carefully on selecting the most appropriate route to achieve the time, quality and cost of project success. Analysis of the key procurement issues When selecting the procurement routes, the following key issues are considered; Factors outside the control of the project team. Client resources Cost issues Project characteristics. Quality and performance Risk management The need to accommodate changes, variation. Time The client has managed to obtain a substantial finance so as to ensure that the dignity of the building and the services are not compromised from the reconstruction. Hence, the reconstruction quality of the building will not be hinder by much financial difficulty, but the project will have to work strictly within the budget require, to prevent cost over run. The client despite been in the market for their experienced at renovation of buildings, do not have an in-house executive who is either experience enough or is able to devote his time for this project. Therefore, it is important to choose a procurement route to avoid the risk and at the same time with the experience of client and their contact, select those contractors whom have the expertise of working with them previously. This will also help in resolving of quality and design issues. As Cinnamon is highly concerned about project delays and overrun of cost, price certainty at the outset is of great important. Procurement route which enable the client to know the total financial commitment of the project early will provide the solution to this matter. The procurement route can also have guaranteed maximum price to affirm to this. Time and cost is of most important because of the opening of the hotels for business. The selected procurement route must be able to reduce the time for design and construction. This can be done by selecting a procurement route that enables the design and construction to perform concurrently. Thereby, shorten the overall project duration. Shortening the period of project completion allows the client to operate the hotels and back to business at an earlier date. As the clients requirement in terms of architectural and aesthetics of the building to be in line with their policy, and also to improve on the quality, facilities of the new buildings, it will be advisable to consider procurement route that is able to take care of the quality and performance aspect as well. Procurement route that allows the client to choose and appoint a contractor with architectural merits or director is an architect would be a plus for considerations. There is no correlation between procurement method and perceived quality of product. Due to the unavailability of an experience in-house execute form the client; risk allocation to the contractor for the selected procurement route is most important. However, this method of procurement may compromise the risk of the design and quality of the project. Therefore, in order to overcome this setback, selecting of a procurement method that conforms to the sets of employer or clients requirement is necessary and will help in a one way or another. As the client is use to dealing with construction of hotels, and assuming that the new hotels that are to be built will have most of the base designs from the previously built hotels in place, or having little difference , therefore changes in design may not be significant . The short construction duration may also not allow for many changes, as the client will also have to balance between the desire to changes with the earlier time of project completion for business. Most the time the choice of to be back in business earlier or in time will rule out any desire to changes. In phase 1, the completion of the key areas in the hotel such as roofs, guest rooms, restaurant and swimming pools is essential for the operation of the hotels . The timing from the start date on site to the completion of phase 1 is approximately one year which is a very short period. Hence, a selected procure to reduce the project time is critical, if possible start earlier on the construction stage. This can be done by the procurement route which allows the construction stage to be overlapping with the design stage, where both design and construction of the project progress concurrently. In the phase 2, in order for the hotels to enhance the opportunities for health and well- being of the visitors, the new facilities of dance studios, health and fitness centre , conference and meeting rooms is to be built. Here complexity is an important issue due to the incorporating of the high technology multimedia facilities with air-conditioning. The selected procurement route may need to be b ase on the employers requirement which has been incorporated with the name of the specialists. This is one solution of resolving the technical complexity of the project. Appraisal of the procurement routes and selection criteria The design and build procurement route will enable the project to be responsible by solely one contractor whom has the control of the design and the construction process in his ability. A single point of responsibility for design and construction in this aspect is to cover the clients shortfall of an in-house executive who is either experience enough or is able to devote his time to advise on the reconstruction of their properties. As for the Traditional route, the client firm out the whole design with his consultants before construction process begins. The contract is administered by the contract administrator who is normally the clients consultants. It is advantage if the client is experienced and dedicate his/her time in firming out the design with his/her consultants , which is not the case here. Likewise with the Management Contracting route, an inexperienced client or full time client will not be suitable as well. In the DB procurement route, with the whole packaged of design and construction is responsible by a single contractor, therefore the lump sum contract price of the construction can be firmed up easily on the outset which is required by the client for early cost certainty and avoiding of project cost overruns and delays. Time is an essence in the project, the undertaking of the design and construction by a single contractor will also enable to reduce the overall project duration in comparing to the traditional procurement route and most of the risk is with the contractor. Design and construction can be concurrently in progress unlike the traditional procurement which is consecutive in its method and has a longer overall project time and construction may start early as the design work proceed in parallel. Shortening of project time means also to reduce the business downtime. On the whole, time and cost saving of project as compare to traditional procurement route. In the traditional procurement route, the process of procurement is sequential where there is no concurrency. That is, in the preparation stage which is selecting and engaging the consultants to do the Design Brief, follow with the actual design development. Upon confirming the design, the pre-construction stage will kick in to prepare and awarding of the tender. The actual construction stage will only starts after the all the earlier mentioned stages completed and the process of procurement in the preparation, design and pre-construction is lengthy and the overall construction programme duration is being stretch longer. This route will not be appropriate for this project, as the priority of the project should be given for rapid construction which enables the hotels to be opened for business at a specified date. In the traditional procurement route, the design is completed before the contractors is appointed and therefore the design risk is bear by the client. Any requirement by the clients policy in terms of its architectural significance and aesthetic requirement, design and build procurement will allow the client to confirm his design during the preparation and design stage and reducing its cost on the design and changes which may happens in the other procurement route such as construction management when the client has to work with too many parties and design changes may be too many from time to time while the construction is in progress ,thus resulting in too much additional cost and time spent on the whole. The clients direct controls of the project and his involvement in every item have exposed him to a higher risk than the other procurement route, which the clients have had problems with as they have not appreciate the risk associated with control. The overall duration of the project of such procurement route may become longer and no price certainty can be achieved at the outset. In the design and build procurement route, the contractor will be the one developing the design and this will somehow have a high design risk imposed on the project. Therefore, in order to mitigate the problem, the develop and construct procurement route can be used. In this case, the client prepares the clients requirements documents and contractors tender with their proposals and the wining contractors will be appointed with the design content including estimated cost of the project..In this case the appointed contractor then completes and constructs base on the design. The novation of initial design team is required and thus reduces the risk of the design. The relationship between the risk of the client and the contractors can be understood for the tabulation of the Typical Risk Distribution. Proposed procourement From the analysis of the few types of procurement above, design and build type shall the most appropriate in terms of the clients requirement and the overall project characteristic. Design and build procurement route is a single point contact and responsibility that fits perfectly for his lack of resources in terms of experience key person to be full time for the project and the risk of the project can be solely with the contractors. There is a provision in the Contractors Design 81 for the client to nominate an Employers agent whom can be an independent architect acting on behalf of the client and protect his interest that take care of this shortfall. The designs liability by the contracted can be extended to include fitness for purpose, which is a great advantage for the client to exercise. The shortening of project duration from using this method of procurement will also enable the project to complete in time or earlier, thus allowing the hotels to be back in business earlier and the return of investment earlier. The client can also directly and easily communicates with the contractors for his needs. The client has decided to obtain finance of estimated at  £120 million shows that there is a fixed budgeted amount for the project. The nature of the damage of the buildings significantly varies and the amount demolition work may not be certain prior to assessment. The contractor in the design and build procurement route can undertake and be a single point of responsibility for this, therefore, providing price certainty of the project at the outset. The integration of the designers and builders produces a more economic building, likewise is the production process. Buildability is also an advantage in this procurement as the contractors involves in the design at an earlier stage. The nature of design and build procurement route will require the client to make changes at their expense of cost incurred, and careful consideration the short duration of the project and cost budget, allowing for changes becomes less important. The experienced of the client at renovation of buildings will has his network with his pool of consultants, architect, contractors, and hence the client can appoints his consultants to develop the design and novate to the contractors that is awarded for the project. This inherent flexibility is a plus point for this procurement method. In this way, the client is able to adhere and be in line with his policy on the architectural significant and aesthetics of the building. However there is no design overview before consultant is appointed, but this small drawback can easily be resolved by engaging the consultant earlier. This can also overcome the difficulty of the client to prepare adequate brief. The design and build contractor proprietary may lack the aesthetics appeal, the client is able to see the examples of the products when his proposal are being made. The client is able to visualise their needs more readily in three dimensions by moving with and sampling an actual building, then by the study the drawings and specifications. As the client are very established in the markets, the contractors may have work with them before, examining and experiencing some of their pass projects may be more easily gauge on the quality to be built. Conclusion Design and build is an appropriate procurement route for project requires a shorter time frame with priority on cost certainty. The contractors single point responsibility undertakes the risk for the client while at the same time protecting the interest which is favored by most clients. The design brief must be earlier and well prepared to ensure the clients requirement is fully captured with a good design is done. For commercial projects, time and cost is of most important as it means return of investment or business opportunity, to have also the quality and design not compromising in this case is highly commendable in the sense. Other procurement routes may be suitable for projects with different requirements and characteristics on a case to case basis, however design and build is seems to be utmost suitable in this case.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

In this assignment I will discuss how fate and superstition contribute :: English Literature

In this assignment I will discuss how fate and superstition contribute to the final Tragedy. I will also consider other elements in the play, such as social class, education, poverty, and coincidence, which are highly significant to the story. In the play there are many references to the devil and the bogeyman, both figures representing evil and control. Most of the characters are strongly influenced by these; the "kids," who believe in the bogey man, and incorporate him into their games, "will he get me mummy?" and their mothers, who are influenced by the devil. The Narrator, who plays an integral part in the play, can be interpreted as the devil or bogeyman, following Mickey Eddie and Linda around and taunting their mothers, "Now you know the devils got your number" in this manner controlling the main characters and making the events (stated in the prologue) come to pass. The Narrator adapts the roles of many minor characters reinforcing the idea that the narrator is in control, because he is featured in all the significant turning points of the story, taking the parts of the milkman, gynaecologist, bus driver and the police man. The narrator is an ambiguous character, so he can also be portrayed as neutral, just telling and observing the story, or someone understanding and sympathetic, watching the events unfold. The prologue introduces the play, making the audience feel like the story is already written and Mickey and Eddie are destined to die. "An' did you never hear how the Johnstones died?" This is yet another reason to believe that fate is in control. However, there are powerful arguments to suggest that it is more coincidence and class that causes the deaths of the twins, for example, when Mrs Jhonstone has twins when she might have been able to cope with just one baby, and when Mr Lyons fires Mickey. As small children, Mickey and Eddies friendship isn't greatly affected by the difference in class, they are both envious of the other, showing that neither really has a better childhood, although one has more money, so has a higher chance of being successful in life. But inevitably, as they get older, Mickey is more directly affected by the poverty he lives with, and when Eddie moves on to university, a barrier develops between them, illustrating the contrasts between their lives and making their futures seem even more decided. Some characters are also affected by superstition, especially Mrs Jhonstone, who, although she denies, it is very superstitious "The shoes". This explains partly why she gives one of the twins away, because it is Mrs Lyon's manipulation that forces her, rather than fate or

Monday, November 11, 2019

Sleep Journal

Jennifer Nguyen Professor Perry Daughtry Intro to Psychology 09-28-2012 Sleep Journal Essay College students like myself often put off sleep for other activities like studying, doing homework or even just staying up all night with a friend. Our body follows the twenty-four hour cycle of each day and night through a biological clock called the Circadian rhythm. On the weekdays, staying up all night and skipping meals makes it difficult to focus in class. After lunchtime, I become sleepy and have difficulty focusing on my other classes.In the afternoon, this affects my body because it does not give me energy, but instead it makes me crash earlier in the day. David Myers, the author of Exploring Psychology the eighth edition, says, â€Å"Everyone needs to get eight hours of sleep† (Myers, 75). This quote I think is so underrated, because some people in our world today only get six to nine hours of sleep, on a daily basis. If you think about it, going to sleep is not that easy. Th ere are five unique stages to sleeping. In stage one, this cycle is considered to be between being awake and slightly dozing off.When you are in this cycle, you wake up, but you do not feel like you fell asleep. The brain produces theta waves, which makes the brain waves decrease when you go into other sleep stages. In stage two, the brain begins to relax more. The sleep spindles, which are rapid, rhythmic brain waves, are present in this cycle. Your body temperature starts to decrease and your heart rate starts to slow down. In stage three, this cycle is forwarded to deep sleep. In stage four, you are in a deep sleep, but not enough to dream.Also in this cycle, â€Å"some children might wet the bed or even sleep walk† according to David Myers. In stage five, also known as the rapid eye movement (REM), the heart rate increases and eyes begin to move under the eyelids. Most dreams occur here because the brain activity was increased. The importance of sleep is a big deal, that if you did not sleep, you would die from sleep deprivation. You need sleep so that your body can restore all its needs for the next day. Not enough sleep can produce a lot of problems like car accidents, memory problems, and sleep disorders.Two most known sleep disorders are insomnia and sleep apnea. Insomnia is a sleep disorder where you cannot fall asleep. Insomnia can happen to anyone and can be either a short term or a long-term process. Another sleep disorder is called sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is caused by irregular pauses in breathing, during sleeping. Both of these disorders, if not treated, can cause heart problems and even death in most cases. There are many reasons why we dream at night. An Austrian Neurologist named Sigmund Freud considered dreams the key to understanding our inner conflicts.Some researchers believe that the dreams can help sort experiences on a daily basis, while other researchers believe that dreams may also serve a physiological function. Other theorie s suggest that dreams flow from neural activity moving upward to the brainstem. The first three nights of sleeping in my sleeping journal, my dreams were nightmares. The first night I had a dream that my grandmother passed away and nobody was there to help me through the tragedy. From the feelings of abandonment, I just went psycho. Unfortunately almost two years ago, my grandmother in fact passed away.It is unclear to me why I dreamt of this memory. My second dream was that my psychology class had visited a local jail and our teacher created an experiment where every other student was a prisoner, and everybody else was a guard. I was one of the prisoners and the guards tortured me to a point where I could no longer think. My psychology professor Mr. Daughtry, told our class about this experiment on actual prisoners, which influenced to dream of this particular subject. My third dream was that I had rented a cabin with my friend.The owner was a psycho killer with the intention of ki lling us. We made it out alive. These dreams caused me to wake up with sweat all over my body and my head would spin a little bit. The next four nights of sleeping were fairly decent. The dreams consisted of dreaming about being in a fairytale and going back to high school because in that dream it was mandatory to go back to the high school. The last seven nights of my sleeping journal, I only had one nightmare, because I went camping with my church group and we were in the woods and we had told scary stories.My sleep patterns on the weekend are very different to my sleep patterns on the weekday because I usually go to bed really late and not wake up until late in the afternoon. During this journal, it was hard for me to get used to waking up on specific times, since I would stay up late to do homework or study for a test coming up. This is one of the reasons why my sleeping habits have not been normal. I have learned that my sleeping habits do have an affect on my daily life. I sho uld try and get enough sleep, so that my body can actually rest and not be so stressed out.I wish that I would not skip dinner for homework, because when I do wake up, my stomach hurts a lot from not eating. This problem also makes me crash during the day since I do not have enough time to eat, and so my production level decreases. Sleep Journal Entries Jennifer Nguyen Mr. Daughtry Intro to Psychology 09-09-2012 Day 1: I went to sleep at 1:00 am and woke up at 6:11 am. The dream was that my grandmother passed away and that I had nobody to confide in. It got to a point where I just went psycho and was led to a mental house. 09-10-2012 Day 2: I went to sleep at 12:00 am and woke up at 7:30 am.The dream was that my psychology class went to visit the local jail. My psychology teacher decided to do this experiment, where every other student was a prisoner and the rest were guards. I was unfortunately a prisoner, and the guards tortured me so bad that it broke my spirit. 09-11-2012 Day 3: I went to sleep at 10:00 pm and woke up at 7:00 am. My dream was that I went to go on a vacation on a remote island. I went with a friend and the person who owned the cabin was a strange man. We discovered that the strange man was a killer and he went after us. We called for help and we never saw that guy ever again. 9-12-2012 Day 4: I went to bed at 3:14 am and woke up ate 8:00 am. I could not remember this dream. 09-13-2012 Day 5: I went to bed at 1:20 am and woke up 6:52 am. I could not fall asleep. After twenty minutes had gone by, I dreamt that I was with my boyfriend and we had gotten into this big argument and he dumped me. The next day, he decided to show up to my house with a girl, and I cried. He said that he was just joking and that it was his friend. He wanted to g back out with me and we did. 09-16-2012 Day 6: I went to bed at 9:00 pm and woke up at 6:00 am. My dream was that I was getting married to a famous prince.Before this all happened, he proposed to me and he ha d this big secret. He did not tell that he was a prince and I inherited everything. This dream was a total fairytale! 09-17-2012 Day 7: I went to bed at 12:12 am and woke up at 6:32 am. My dream was that I was back in high school and that I had to go back to my high school because it was mandatory for all 2012 graduates. 09-18-2012 Day 8: I went to bed at 9:20 pm and woke up at 5:52 am. My dream was that I was in a theatre play and I was the main lead. I did so well that I was booked in Hollywood as a professional.I was basically a celebrity. 09-19-2012 Day 9: I went to bed at 1:18 am and woke up at 6:30 am. My dream was that I went to school and our school had won this lottery where we got to see Kate Middleton in person. She was really nice and sweet. 09-20-2012 Day 10: I went to bed at 11:20 pm and woke up at 6:25 am. My dream was that I had grown up and that I had my life all settled. I was a nurse and that I lived comfortably in a house with my husband and two kids. 09-21-12 Da y 11: I went to bed at 3:00 am and woke up at 8:00 am. My dream was that I was at camp and I happened to be all alone.Then all of a sudden, the killer came out and tried to kill me, but I managed to get to safety. 09-22-12 Day 12: I went to bed at 1:00 am and woke up at 7:45 am. I could not remember this dream. 09-23-2012 Day 13: I went to bed at 9:00 pm and woke up at 6:31 am. I could not remember this dream. 09-24-2012 Day 14: I went to bed at 9:00 pm and woke up at 6:15 am. My dream was that I was in a relationship with Ian Heccox and we have been dating for a long time. He got down on one knee after we have a very romantic boat ride in Paris. Of course I said yes. We got married in Paris and it was very magical.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Shakespeares Vocabulary

Shakespeares Vocabulary Shakespeares Vocabulary Shakespeares Vocabulary By Maeve Maddox Shakespeare (1564-1616) wrote during the Renaissance, a time when the English language was being inundated with new words. Based on a count from the OED, between 10,000 and 12,000 new words were added to English during the 16th century. About half have found a permanent place in the language. The majority of the new words came from Latin and were used by educated people who wrote books. They jumped quickly from the printed page into everyday speechpresumably by way of such popular entertainments as plays and sermons. The character of Sir Andrew Aguecheek in Twelfth Night may reflect the eagerness of non-scholars to learn new words: VIOLA [to Olivia] Most excellent accomplished lady, the heavens rain odours on you! SIR ANDREW [aside] That youths a rare courtier: Rain odours; well. VIOLA My matter hath no voice, to your own most pregnant and vouchsafed ear. SIR ANDREW Odours, pregnant and vouchsafed: Ill get em all three all ready. Except for a professional translator like Philemon Holland (1552-1637), Shakespeare used the largest vocabulary of any English writer. Some of the words he used in his plays are documented only a year or two before his use of them: exist, initiate, and jovial, for example. Its impossible to say how many words Shakespeare coined, but his works provide the first documentation for words including accommodation, apostrophe, assassination, dexterously, dislocate, frugal, indistinguishable, misanthrope, obscene, pedant, premeditated, reliance, and submerged. He makes fun of some of the new words going round by putting them in the mouths of pompous clowns like Holofernes in Loves Labours Lost: HOLOFERNES The deer was, as you know, sanguis, in blood; ripe as the pomewater, who now hangeth like a jewel in the ear of caelo, the sky, the welkin, the heaven; and anon falleth like a crab on the face of terra, the soil, the land, the earth. SIR NATHANIEL Truly, Master Holofernes, the epithets are sweetly varied, like a scholar at the least: but, sir, I assure ye, it was a buck of the first head. †¦ HOLOFERNES Most barbarous intimation! yet a kind of insinuation, as it were, in via, in way, of explication; facere, as it were, replication, or rather, ostentare, to show, as it were, his inclination, after his undressed, unpolished, uneducated, unpruned, untrained, or rather, unlettered, or ratherest, unconfirmed fashion, to insert again my haud credo for a deer. Shakespearean words we still use are agile, allurement, antipathy, catastrophe, critical, demonstrate, dire, emphasis, emulate, extract, hereditary, horrid, impertinent, meditate, modest, pathetic, prodigious, vast, barricade, cavalier, mutiny, and pell-mell. The meanings of many of these words have changed since the 16th century. For example, we use communicate to mean exchange information. When Shakespeare uses it in Comedy of Errors, it still had the Latin meaning of to share or make common to many. In Merchant of Venice, Lorenzo uses expect (from Latin expectare, to await) in the sense of to wait for: †¦lets in and there expect their coming. The word humorous has been used in English with various senses before coming to mean comical or funny, including the meanings damp, capricious, moody, and peevish. Five of the words that Shakespeare made fun in the speech of Holofernes (intimation, insinuation, explication, replication, and inclination) caught on and survived into modern usage. Some of the same educators who are willing to drop the study of Shakespeare from the general curriculum probably complain about a decline in vocabulary in todays high school graduates. There may be no connection, but the fact remains that the close study of even one of Shakespeares plays will yield a significant jump in vocabulary for the serious reader. Sources: A History of the English Language, Alfred C. Baugh The Complete Works of Shakespeare, The Literature Network Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:30 Religious Terms You Should KnowCapitalization Rules for Names of Historical Periods and MovementsTrooper or Trouper?

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Why Veins Look Blue Even Though Blood Is Red

Why Veins Look Blue Even Though Blood Is Red Your blood is always red, even when it is deoxygenated, so why do your veins look blue? They arent actually blue, but there are reasons why veins look that way: Skin absorbs blue light:  Subcutaneous fat only allows blue light to penetrate skin all the way to veins, so this is the color that is reflected back. Less energetic, warmer colors are absorbed by skin before they can travel that far. Blood also absorbs light, so blood vessels appear dark. Arteries have muscular walls, rather than thin walls like veins, but they likely would appear the same color if they were visible through the skin.Deoxygenated blood is dark red:  Most veins carry deoxygenated blood, which is a darker color than oxygenated blood. The deep color of blood makes veins appear dark, too.Different sizes of vessels appear different colors:  If you look closely at your veins, for example, along with the inside of your wrist, youll see your veins are not all the same color. The diameter and thickness of the walls of the veins play a part in the way light is absorbed and how much blood is seen through the vessel.Vein color depends on your perception:  In part, you se e veins as more blue than they really are because your brain compares the color of the blood vessel against the brighter and warmer tone of your skin. What Color Are Veins? So, if veins arent blue, you may be wondering about their true color. If you have ever eaten meat, you already know the answer to this question! Blood vessels appear reddish-brown in color. There isnt much difference in color between arteries and veins. They do present different cross-sections. Arteries are thick-walled and muscular. Veins have thin walls. Learn More Why Blood Isnt BlueWhy Babies Have Blue EyesWhy the Sea Is BlueChemical Composition of Human BloodIntro to Biochemistry Reference: Kienle, A., Lilge, L., Vitkin, I.A., Patterson, M.S., Wilson, B.C., Hibst, R., Steiner, R. (1996).  Why do veins appear blue? A new look at an old question.  Applied Optics, 35(7), 1151-1160.

Monday, November 4, 2019

New York in the 18th Century Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

New York in the 18th Century - Essay Example The 1741 New York conspiracy was largely believed to have occurred in the 18th Century. But by 19th century most historians started to doubt about its existence and the justifications of the slave killings that took place. Even Daniel Horsmanden had to try and counteract the criticism by writing a detailed account of the trials so as to justify the court’s actions and wipe the doubts of peoples mind. But his was a one-sided story and did not convince many people. Historians have gone ahead to give an account of what they believe must have been the process of events for the same. First of all, the situation in New York at the time facilitated a lot to the growth of suspicions about a conspiracy. This is because the alleged conspiracy arose at a time of economic decline with increased competition between the colored slaves and the poor whites. There was a severe winter at the time and the British government had just declared war on Spain leading to increased anti-Spanish and anti-Catholic feelings. All this amidst increased fires and destruction of property was enough to elicit feelings of insecurity from the slaves. The 1712 New York Slave Revolt where about 20 slaves came together to destroy property to avenge the injustices they had been put through and in the process killing nine whites and six others being injured, was also very fresh in the minds of the white population. The political factions would also instill fear about slavery to the white community to achieve other objectives.